Hi All! Thank you for looking in and reading a bit about my journey through infertility.
I am a 33 year old housewife (former crazy workaholic) in Orange County, CA braving IVF after 4 years of TTC naturally. I have been through three IVF/ICSI cycles and am currently pregnant from our 3rd cycle in February 2012.
Stick around to see the crazy medicated/estrogen filled rants!
DH - Dear Husband TTC - Trying to Concieve IF - Infertility MF - Male Factor BFN - Big Fat Negative BFP - Big Fat Positive Blast -- Blastocyst (a fully developed embryo prior to hatching and implanting) RE - Reproductive endocrinologist (Fertility Doctor) IUI - Interuterian Insemination IVF - Invitro Fertilization FET - Frozen embryo transfer ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection ER - Egg Retrieval (surgical) ET - Embryo Transfer AF - Aunt Flo (Period) BCP - Birth Control Pill HPT - Home Pregnancy Test POAS - Pee On A Stick PUPO - Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise 2WW - Two Week Wait Between Transfer and Beta
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Calm Before the Storm
I always look at the day before retrieval as the calm before the storm.
It is usually just a quiet day, hanging around the house since usually one is pretty uncomfortable at this point (this time is no different). There are no shots to take and I have done all that is physically possible for their cycle. This is the calm.
But a storm is brewing on the horizon. A storm of pain, nerves and waiting over the next few weeks.
Tomorrow my body will be violated and ravaged by an aspirator. Again. The drugs will be amazing as always I am sure... but once I awake... I will be left with empty follicles and a sore abdomen. The soreness will last for days with probably Tuesday-ish being the worst of the pain (this has been my experience). Tomorrow also begins the waiting... waiting to see how many fertilized, how many make it to day 3 & day 5, how many will be normal once PGD has been completed and how many will make it to transfer (I am not even expecting any to freeze since I haven't in either of my first two cycles) and waiting to see if it worked. Lots of waiting and lots of nerves cause things could go wrong at any of these points. I won't even go into the storm of emotions that is on the horizon. Either extreme happiness or more sadness coming over the next few weeks. As I said... a storms a brewing.
Anyway, back to getting things ready for my super bowl party tomorrow.
Have to be at the surgery center at 5:30am for retrieval. OMG. 5:30am. That is nuts.
Wanted to wish a GOOD LUCK to two blog friends that also have their retrievals tomorrow morning. Sometimes and Millionbabysteps, I will be thinking about you and hoping all goes well tomorrow. Crossing my fingers for both of you.
Good luck!!! Yu are likely IN your retrieval right now, it being 6:30 Pacific time. Can't wait to hear the results. Hopefully the storm stays at bay or is less mild than expected. Thinking of you. I leave for my RE's office in about two hours!!
Good luck dear. I am praying for some good numbers!
ReplyDeleteGood luck today Denise!!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck this morning. See you on the other side.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!!! Yu are likely IN your retrieval right now, it being 6:30 Pacific time. Can't wait to hear the results. Hopefully the storm stays at bay or is less mild than expected. Thinking of you. I leave for my RE's office in about two hours!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! Its 3 hours past retrieval. Can't wait to hear the results. Glad you have company today to distract you.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!!!! Can't wait to hear how tomorrow/today goes!!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck tomorrow! I'm hoping the PGD results yield good news.
ReplyDeleteHoping everything goes well!!
ReplyDeleteJust catching up on your blogs now. Hope all went well. I'll read on in a few minutes.
ReplyDeleteJust getting back to the real world...I know I'm late but I hope that your ER went well and looking forward to seeing a great fert report!