Hi All! Thank you for looking in and reading a bit about my journey through infertility.
I am a 33 year old housewife (former crazy workaholic) in Orange County, CA braving IVF after 4 years of TTC naturally. I have been through three IVF/ICSI cycles and am currently pregnant from our 3rd cycle in February 2012.
Stick around to see the crazy medicated/estrogen filled rants!
DH - Dear Husband TTC - Trying to Concieve IF - Infertility MF - Male Factor BFN - Big Fat Negative BFP - Big Fat Positive Blast -- Blastocyst (a fully developed embryo prior to hatching and implanting) RE - Reproductive endocrinologist (Fertility Doctor) IUI - Interuterian Insemination IVF - Invitro Fertilization FET - Frozen embryo transfer ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection ER - Egg Retrieval (surgical) ET - Embryo Transfer AF - Aunt Flo (Period) BCP - Birth Control Pill HPT - Home Pregnancy Test POAS - Pee On A Stick PUPO - Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise 2WW - Two Week Wait Between Transfer and Beta
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Todays Update!
Eggs are growing nicely. :)
Today marks day 10 of stims.
I currently have 13 measurable follicles. Most are in the 16mm-18mm range but a couple are in the 20mm range. There are also a bunch of smaller ones that I hope catch up a bit. This time last cycle I had 19 measurable follicles (and ended up with 20 eggs at retrieval) so hoping a bit more make it to the party.
My E2 came in at 2657 after 9 days of stims. This is up from 1014 on Monday.
My Follistim dosage is being adjusted slightly from 250iu to 225iu. Luveris and Lupron remains the same.
All in all I still feel pretty good... not that uncomfortable yet. Bloated for sure but not overly full in there yet. My headaches have gotten better which is nice. No crazy emotions yet either, still in a pretty good place mentally... I chalk that up to my amazing beach outings over the weekend. My belly is a bruised roadmap of needle love but outside of that... no complaints. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
Another monitoring appointment tomorrow and still planning for retrieval on Sunday.
I'm looking at a Sunday retrieval, too! YEAH Sunday!
My E2 level is only 1229. It makes me slightly worried that it's too low, but my doc seems ok. I go back tomorrow, too, and am then told whether I trigger tomorrow (maybe) or Friday (more likely).
Glad everything is moving along. And you are close to your trigger! I feel the trigger is the home stretch to the worse part of IVF which is the stimming. For me, even worse than the 2WW!
I'm looking at a Sunday retrieval, too! YEAH Sunday!
ReplyDeleteMy E2 level is only 1229. It makes me slightly worried that it's too low, but my doc seems ok. I go back tomorrow, too, and am then told whether I trigger tomorrow (maybe) or Friday (more likely).
I'm glad it's going so well!!!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what Sunday brings!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! Sounds like youre in good shape for some quality embies!
ReplyDeleteHey! I'm glad you found my blog and that we are cycle buddies. Just catching up on your journey. Good luck this week! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad stims are going well!! I hope the little ones catch up!!
ReplyDeleteGlad everything is moving along. And you are close to your trigger! I feel the trigger is the home stretch to the worse part of IVF which is the stimming. For me, even worse than the 2WW!
ReplyDeletegrow grow grow! Best of luck to you, can't wait to follow along! :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome numbers. I hope your retrieval goes well and you aren't in too much pain afterward. Good luck!
ReplyDeletelive 173影音live秀