Thursday, March 29, 2012

Doing Good!

Still here, still pregnant. 9 weeks and 4 days! Wow, I can't believe we are at 9 weeks and 4 days. I am in shock. Still not really believing it.

The little nugget looks great on the ultrasound this week and my progesterone levels are back up (to 38). The increased dosage seems to be doing its job and I am hoping that is the last scare for a few weeks (at least).

So glad things are still going good. Maybe I will allow myself to start getting excited soon?


  1. So glad it is going great and that your levels are back up! I am with you though, I asked my husband yesterday - at what point do I just believe this is going to happen? I hope it is soon for us!

  2. I hope there are no more scares for the entire pregnancy. Wishing you a smooth, happy healthy pregnancy from here on through.

  3. I'm hopeful that the rest of your pregnancy just flies by without any worries other than what colors you are going to do the nursery in.

  4. Sending hugs and Congratulations!!

  5. All good news and yes, for sure get excited :)

  6. So glad that you're doing well!! It's hard to believe you're almost 10 weeks already! So happy for you guys!

  7. Congrats! Hoping things only continue to move forward for you guys!

  8. Glad your levels are up and you and the little one are doing well! Yes yes get excited!!!

  9. Hi Denise! It's ms lass from the IVf board. I am so excited for you and happy to hear your baby is doing great! Enjoy every day of this miracle! It goes so fast! I promise.
