Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Ultrasound went great today (8w2d). The Little Nugget is looking more and more like a baby and less like, well... a nugget. Heart was beating away (Dr. Cold still wouldn't give me a beats per minute amount) and things measured right on track. Dr. Cold seemed optimistic and told me to it was time to start thinking about my OB and making an appointment. All very exciting news. 

Then I got a call from them a couple hours ago indicating my progesterone levels (tested today) had dropped quite a bit. I have been on 1cc nightly (PIO) from the beginning and in recent weeks my progesterone levels had been increasing on their own! I was under the incorrect assumption that maybe the baby had actually begun producing it already (which I heard today doesn't happen till 10 weeks). My weekly progesterone levels have been 26, 27, 30, 37 and today... 26. They like to see the number over 20 so it is still in range. But why did it drop so much? Is this my indicator I might miscarry? I know progesterone levels can drop as a precursor. Dr. Cold instructed us to increase our nightly dosage from 1cc to 1.5cc. This has me worried. He stated he wasn't concerned about the drop in levels, but then instructs us to raise our dosage? 

Why are these numbers fluctuating? I am not jumping off the cliff just yet... but worried. Why must we be so fearful during these exciting times? 


  1. I hate the worry. I don't have any information for you about progesterone levels. My RE doesn't test progesterone for me. Hang in there!

  2. I think the increase is to cover all bases. Your body may be metabolizing the progesterone better, hence the dip in the level. Either way, I'm keeping fingers crossed for you. Keep growing, little nugget!!!

  3. I new nothing of numbers when I had my son. I didn't even know my BETA and still don't know what it was. But now I find myself infertile everything we do is based on numbers. As soon as my FS said that my chances were around 5-6% yesterday, I completely shut down and switched off. Stuff the numbers. Go with your gut instinct and have faith in your women parts. At least it's been picked up, that's the best thing.

  4. I hope the raising of your dosage works. I've been on 2cc of progesterone from the start. I hate the waiting game its just torturous. Crossing my fingers that it all turns out all right for you.

  5. Glad your little nugget is growing away and looking great. My RE doesn't test progesterone or any of that stuff at all! They just basically overdose me and then cut it off cold turket at 10 weeks....kinda scary. It sounds like everyone's progesterone fluctuates a bit though, your Dr. is prob just using extra caution - but I could see how it would worry you. Keep growing little one!!

  6. I hope everything will be just fine. Glad to hear he is not worried. Hang in there!

  7. Sometimes they have you up the dosage to "just make sure" and it doesn't mean much else.

  8. I hope everything is fine and your Dr is just being cautious.

  9. although i did not go through IVF, I did have to take progesterone all the way through week 14 . . . will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. remember those tests are just a small snapshot of what is going on in at any given moment. hugs.

  10. Denise - I hope this worry is replaced with a sigh of relief at your next appointment. Not sure how long you're forced to wait between testing but I've been thinking of you since I saw this blog post. I will worry with you and I hope everything will be just fine. It sucks balls being forced to have to worry over crap like this after struggling for so long to get pregnant. IVF should have a rule with it like once you finally get a BFP through IVF and long journey of infertility we should be given healthy pregnancies. I'd vote for that.

  11. Thinking of you! I hope you can find some peace soon. I know I'm already worrying about things and we're only 5w1d. Man, this IF journey never truly ends does it.
